Autour du prix Nobel de Physique 2023, Physique Attoseconde : Genèse et Applications Récentes

Le 29 mars le Pr. Anne L’Huillier donnera une « Nobel Lecture » dans le cadre d’un Symposium « Physique Attoseconde : Genèse et Applications Récentes » sous l’égide du Département Sciences de la Matière et du Rayonnement. Le symposium se déroulera à L’Agora de 9h00 à 12h30 et sera suivi d’un cocktail déjeunatoire. Nous vous attendons nombreux à cet événement scientifique grand public qui permettra d’échanger avec la Pr. Anne L’Huillier.
Evènement gratuit avec inscription obligatoire via le framaform envoyé par email  le 08 mars 2024.

Inauguration du PEPR LUMA

Les 6 et 7 juin 2024 sera lancé officiellement le PEPR LUMA à Bordeaux. La communauté des interactions lumière matière se rassemblera pour l’inauguration institutionnelle et scientifique, incluant la présentation des Moonshot Projects (les résultats de l’AMI seront connus courant mars), du Hub Infrastructures LUMA, ainsi que le lancement des futurs appels à projets LUMA. Réservez les dates, l’événement est gratuit et largement ouvert à toutes et tous, nous espérons vous y voir nombreux ! Plus d’informations à venir.

3th Ki-NOA day : friday 24th of May : Prof. Yashima,

  • This year, we are honored to host Prof. Yashima, a distinguished expert in helical polymers (
  • You will shape the program of the day =>Submit either with an oral or a poster (on the framalink sent the 28/02/2024 by email), a comprehensive title and whether you would prefer a 10/20/30min duration for a talk  =>deadline April 8th
  • Share this information/email/framalink with your colleagues, students, or postdocs (whether registered in the Ki-NOA or not)
  • Registration is free but mandatory via the framalink
  •  Deadlines:
    • Title submission for your talk or poster: April 8th
    • Event registration (including lunch and coffee breaks): April 30th
    • Final program will be communicated on May 2nd.

The comeback of the Labtour[2024]

  • Context : In line with our previous initiatives during autumn 2022/winter 2023,  we are continuing to strengthen community interaction within KiNOA by organizing laboratory visits.
  • Deadline for enlisting the visits : 15/03/2024
  • Where ? on the framalink sent the 28/02
  • Remind : The concept is to welcome colleagues to your lab (or experiment) at a time and duration that suits your schedule.
  • Encourage you to share this information with all members of your group. It presents a valuable opportunity for them to broaden their understanding of chirality.

GPR LIGHT Symposium 2024 (Tuesday 21st May 2024)

  • When ? Tuesday 21st May 2024
  • Where ? Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine
  • Why ? Come and attend the 2nd symposium of the LIGHT Major Research Programme (GPR LIGHT)! Presentation of the activities of the GPR with the communities concerned, meeting of the academic and industrial partners of the LIGHT Initiative, discussions on future projects.
  • ** Registration Free but Mandatory >>

A correlated view of chiral-induced spin selectivity

Prof. Jonas Fransson (University of Uppsala)

Thursday May 4, 10 am

ICMCB amphitheatre – Conference de Quantum Matter

Lien vers les infos : QMBx seminar Jonas Fransson 2023 – Quantum Matter Bordeaux (

Chiral-induced spin selectivity is an intriguing phenomenon that, to our knowledge, rests on a foundation of structural chirality, spin-orbit interactions, and strongly non-equilibrium conditions. The effect is a measure of the response to changes in the magnetic environment coupled to the active region, and the phenomenology refers back to the experimental observations of substantial changes in the charge current amplitude through chiral molecules upon changes in the external magnetic conditions. Chiral-induced spin selectivity has been shown to not be limited to multistranded helical structures, such as double-stranded DNA molecules and bacteriorhodopsin, but has also been observed in, for example, various types of peptides and polyalanines and, recently, also in helicene.

In order to depart from the generic single electron, or, non-interacting models that have, quite unsuccessfully, been used in attempts to describe the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, it is proposes to include many-body effects, arising from, e.g., electron-electron or electron-vibron interactions. In cooperation with spin-orbit interactions, the many-body interactions generate exchange splitting between the spin channels which is viable for the chiral-induced spin selectivity phenomenon. By constructing models comprising either electron-electron or electron-vibron interactions, it can be demonstrated that the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect increases by several orders of magnitude compared to the results from any non-interacting description. The phenomenology of the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect indicates that charge transfer within the chiral molecule is accompanied by the emergence of intra-molecular spin-polarization.

  1. Fransson, Chirality induced spin-selectivity: The role of electron correlation: J Phys Chem Lett, 10, 7126 (2019).
  2. Fransson, Vibrational origin of exchange splitting and chiral-induced spin selectivity: Phys Rev B, 102, 235416 (2020).
  3. Fransson, Charge Redistribution and Spin Polarization Driven by Correlation Induced Electron Exchange in Chiral Molecules: Nano Lett, 21, 3026 (2021).
  4. Fransson, Charge and Spin Dynamics and Enantioselectivity in Chiral Molecules: J Phys Chem Lett, 13, 808 (2022).

Contact: Elizabeth Hillard <>