3th Ki-NOA day : friday 24th of May : Prof. Yashima,

  • This year, we are honored to host Prof. Yashima, a distinguished expert in helical polymers (https://www.chembio.nagoya-u.ac.jp/labhp/polymer4/e/publication/pub_yashima.html)
  • You will shape the program of the day =>Submit either with an oral or a poster (on the framalink sent the 28/02/2024 by email), a comprehensive title and whether you would prefer a 10/20/30min duration for a talk  =>deadline April 8th
  • Share this information/email/framalink with your colleagues, students, or postdocs (whether registered in the Ki-NOA or not)
  • Registration is free but mandatory via the framalink
  •  Deadlines:
    • Title submission for your talk or poster: April 8th
    • Event registration (including lunch and coffee breaks): April 30th
    • Final program will be communicated on May 2nd.