Two Prizes during JACC2022 conference

News: Two prizes were delivered during JACC2022 :
  • Paola Matozzo (Univ. Rennes-PhD student at ISCR) for the poster  prize for her presentation on ''Exciton coupling chirality in helicene-porphyrin conjugates''
  • Nicolas Bruni (Univ. Bordeaux-PhD student at LOMA) for the young talk prize for his presentation on ''Directed morphogenesis of rewritable chiral liquid crystal supramolecular structures by chiral light''
Laboratory : JACC2022

GDR PES “Photo-Electro-Stimulation”

News: The ISM will host the next symposium of the GDR PES "Photo-Electro-Stimulation". The goal of this GDR is to put together photochemists, spectroscopists and electrochemists to discuss about the interplay between these fields. The forthcoming symposium will take place from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th of November at the ENSCBP school in Pessac. Here is the website to register: You should create an account prior to register in case you do not have already one. Registration is free but compulsory !
Laboratory : ISM


News: Wonderfull week in a superb site with a top-level scientific program dealing with synthetic chemistry, materials architecture, spectroscopy of all kinds. 85 participants..... Thanks to all of them....with a special dedication to Patrick and Liz
Laboratory : ----